M45, the Pleiades, an open cluster in Taurus.

Color of M45, the Pleiades, an open cluster in Taurus .

Right Ascension = 03:47:0 (h:m:s), Declination = 24:07 (deg:m)
Magnitude =1.6, Size = 110 arc minutes, Distance 0.38 thousand light years (kly)
This color image is made up 9xR,9xG,10xB at one minute each. A combined total of 28 minutes. The image was added and RGB combined in CCDOPS v5.25, resized in PaintShop Pro v6. Guided by ST4 on 4" F/10 refractor. This is a f1.95 fastar image. November 03, 2003.

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