M45, the Pleiades, an open cluster in Taurus.

Right Ascension = 03:47:00 (h:m:s), Declination = +24d 07:00 (deg:m:s)
Magnitude = 1.6, Size = 110 arc minutes, Distance 0.38 thousand light years (kly)

Color of M45, the Pleiades, an open cluster in Taurus.

See this Larger version 1600x1200 image.
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Optics: Takahashi FS-102 @ f8    adapter: none
Date: 12/29/2005    Time: 02:30:00 UTC
Exposure: Blue = (3 images x 300 seconds each exposure), Luminance = 1 x 300 seconds
Resolution: 1600x1200 reduced to 800x600
Guiding: SBIG ST-2000xm (TC237 guider)
Acquisition: SBIG ST-2000XM camera and CFW8-A (Custom Scientific) filter wheel
Software: SBIG CCDOPS ver 5.40 build 6NT
notes: Autodark added to each image, DDP'd. Images added and combined in CCDSoft 5.00.154

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© , 2006
Last edited:9/4/2006, by Don Lewis, Wye Mountain Observatory